by jennielee | Aug 15, 2016 | full body silicone baby doll, hyper realistic baby doll, realistic silicone baby, reborn silicone baby, silicone baby doll
If I could dance- I totally would be doing a happy dance right now. After so many month of sculpting, molding, pouring, resculpting (I didn’t like how the ball jointed neck was looking) and molding and pouring again, this baby is finally out! I learned a...
by jennielee | Apr 19, 2016 | Dolls, full body silicone baby doll, hyper realistic baby doll, realistic silicone baby, reborn silicone baby, silicone baby doll
Isn’t she a sweetie? She’s been a long time in the works. Completely sculpted by me except for her hands and feet which are lifecast for the ultimate realism! Sculpted, molded, poured, painted and rooted all by yours truly. 🙂 Looking at her- I’m...
by jennielee | Feb 29, 2016 | Sculpting, silicone baby doll, Uncategorized
Micropreemie sculpt in progress. She is approximately 15 inches long- weight to be determined when she is in silicone. She is in black and white due to repairing of cracks in a different clay. 🙂
by jennielee | Jan 12, 2015 | Babies, Dolls, For Adoption, silicone
Every so often I get reminded that women can be so extremely catty to one another. Why do we do this? I have no idea. Recently I was reminded that sometimes we women can only see each other as competition. In the doll world (which as you can imagine is full of...
by jennielee | Dec 3, 2014 | Dolls, For Adoption, Links, Sculpting, silicone
blogger. I know. I’m so sorry! I’ve been caught up trying to learn as much as I can about silicone. Last time a bug bit me this hard was well, every time I learn something new. I think it’s the OCD in me. I have to learn EVERYTHING until I feel...