Angel Custom Full Body Silicone

Here’s me and my friend Bonnie Sieben’s most recent work in progress. Sculpted by her and cast into an soft squishy platinum silicone, she has custom armatures in her arms. Painted and rooted by yours truly. She’s adorable is she not?...

I’m a horrible

blogger. I know. I’m so sorry! I’ve been caught up trying to learn as much as I can about silicone.  Last time a bug bit me this hard was well, every time I learn something new.  I think it’s the OCD in me.  I have to learn EVERYTHING until I feel...

introducing barkley

While waiting for some silicone to set I sculpted this little guy.  His name is Barkley and he’s a spunky little fellow.  He loves playing in the dirt.  This guy was casted into a platinum silicone (Eco30) so that he’s perfectly squishy! Now to knit this...

squishy babies

I have had a lot of people ask me how a silicone baby is different than a clay one.  Besides the fact that it’s less fragile to breaking when dropped.  They are soft and feel very real in your hands.  You still do have to be careful and treat it like a little...