baby sculpt WIP

Believe it or not I have another little one sculpting in progress!! 🙂 A little cranky newborn baby sculpt. My sculpt number 6. I’m so proud! I really think my sculpting has improved tenfold since when I was sculpting last year. What’s my secret? There...

baby finished!!

Is it just me or is finishing a baby sculpt similar to giving birth? Okay, maybe not pain-wise. Definitely a sense of accomplishment. I hope people like him as much as I do. 🙂 Here’s some of his photos, I still have to work on his auction listing. 🙂 He is still...

my favorite tools

I know this post is a bit late, but here are my favorite tools, or the tools that I use the most often. In order from left to right: a) spoon tool (for smoothing and sculpting tight areas) b) kemper angle tool (sculpting harsh lines and sculpting wrinkles before...