I am still a brand new sculptor and amateur reborner, so all of the links I have gathered are all brand new to me. I have a lot of sculpting and reborning videos, but I love online freebies! It’s so interesting to see how everyone reborns differently.
I thought I would share a few of my favorites on my blog for those who are also learning, so we can all share in the wealth!
Here’s the best reborn tutorial I have found. Not only is she in detail of every step in beginning to end of her reborning, she also takes a ton of photos in the process. She starts from cleaning the vinyl, all the steps of painting and then to rooting the doll!
Thanks Heartland Babies for sharing this wonderful tutorial for those of us just learning!
Link available here: Heart Land Babies
Another one of my favorites is:
She has a bunch of genesis painting tutorials as well as an extensive mixing tutorial for mixing your own genesis paint colors. This saves us all of lot of money from buying premade shades as opposed to just buying the basic palette and mixing it yourself- much cheaper!! Doll dollars are few and far in between, so any savings counts!!
Visit her website. You will learn SO much!! From painting tutorials, to ways to instantly improve your reborn doll tips, videos on reborning, genesis paint tutorial, and my favorite: Special effect tech sheet one. Funny name for a good technique for lifelike shading on a baby.
I sell the four piece kit to complete this technique on my ebay store, and hopefully soon- here on weebabiesnursery.com.
In her tutorial, angelsunawares uses one size tool to make the rounded texture before applying other layers of paint. My kit contains FOUR different sizes for a truly spectacular 3d look. It’s also great for skin texturing minis and all size babies! Vary the size when applying paint so it’s not all one uniform size. More lifelike look!
This is what the tool set looks like:
The complete set sells for $18.00 plus $4.95 shipping. A steal, as usually one of these tools costs over $9. Mine comes in a package of four different sizes!
Email me @ weebabiesnursery@littleyarn.com if you’d like to get one!!
Enough shameless promotion. I hope you enjoy the links I shared today, I have many many more to come! Even if you don’t reborn, I believe painting your sculpts using portions of reborning techniques add to the authentic baby look to your sculpts.
Actually, my tutorial uses two sizes of the tools on the doll being demonstrated. Of course depending upon the doll, any combination of sizes **could** be used.
Hi if you have the heartland babies reborning tutorial would you be able to send me 7 thur how every manyis left? I have 1-6 but didn’t get the other b4 it was took off. Thanks in advance. Linda