Jennie's Blog Posts
If I could dance- I totally would be doing a happy dance right now. After so many month of sculpting, molding, pouring, resculpting (I didn’t like how the ball jointed neck was looking) and molding and pouring again, this baby is finally out! I learned a million ways not to sculpt a baby. With each baby I learn something new!
I am really, really happy with how she turned out. I think she could be a boy or a girl. What do you think?
I’ve had many requests for purchasing her as a blank kit, but unfortunately I’m selling this one finished only. So sorry! She has my baby’s lifecast hands and feet and I want to be able to choose how she looks finished.
Shannon Prototype Cloth Body Silicone Baby Girl
I feel so excited to share this baby girl with you. She’s a collaboration between myself and the wonderful Kellie Beckett who sculpted this beauty. This is Kellie’s first silicone baby! She is a limited edition of only 15 kits worldwide.
I feel as though I FINALLY got my footing with my painting, and loved the techniques I used with this little girl. She’s so soft and silky and smooth to the touch! I love her! She’s currently looking for her mama on eBay. You can find her auction here:
Meet Amelie, my newest full body silicone baby girl
Isn’t she a sweetie? She’s been a long time in the works. Completely sculpted by me except for her hands and feet which are lifecast for the ultimate realism! Sculpted, molded, poured, painted and rooted all by yours truly. 🙂
Looking at her- I’m so glad after all the trial and error (mostly error) I finally feel like I am getting to be the artist I always wanted to be. I’m so glad I stuck with it, and with every mistake I made I learnt from them.
This little one is sold, the next one will be on eBay.
If you’d like to be notified the next time one is available for adoption- you can sign up for my newsletter here:
I have some new babies in progress, and I’m so excited to share them with you soon! 🙂
my newest sculpt
Micropreemie sculpt in progress. She is approximately 15 inches long- weight to be determined when she is in silicone. She is in black and white due to repairing of cracks in a different clay. 🙂
little poseable silicone sphinx kitten..
painting in progress! I think he’s turning out pretty cute. It looks pretty easy to paint right? Well, it took me a few tries to get it right. I’m happy with him so far, but a few more layers to go! Silicone is painted with silicone- so it’s shiny before you matte it. He will be matte after the paint is completed.